Wednesday, 27 July 2011

UKIP Allies Praise Anders BREIVIK 27-Jul-2011

UKIP Allies Praise Anders BREIVIK 27-Jul-2011

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~ UKIP Allies Their Partners in The EFD Praise Anders BREIVIK!!

Geert Wilders and Mario Borghezio
Geert Wilders & Mario Borghezio EFD MEP for Lega Nord 

Italian Member of the European Parliament for the racist Lega Nord party, is not just, as this photo shows, an ally of Dutch xenophobic politician Geert Wilders.

From daily The Times  in South Africa:

26th July 2011 15:51
An ally of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi  has triggered a storm of protest after he described as “excellent” some of Norwegian terrorism suspect Anders Behring Breivik ’s ideas.
Mario Borghezio, a European Parliament member for the anti-immigration Northern League, said he agreed with Breivik ’s “opposition to Islam and his explicit accusation that Europe has surrendered before putting up a fight against its Islamisation.”
Borghezio told the host of talk radio programme La Zanzara that he did not agree with Breivik”s use of violence, nor with the “Protestant” Norwegian”s “anti-Papist” stance.
But he said that “some of the ideas (of Breivik”s) are good, in certain cases even excellent.”
The Northern League is the junior partner in Berlusconi’s conservative government.
The centre-left opposition called for Borghezio to resign from the European Parliament.
“It is a matter of shame for all of us that a representative of the ruling coalition made apologetic remarks about one of the cruelest acts of terrorism,” said the Democratic Party”s David Sassoli and the Italy of Values party”s Niccolo Rinaldi, both European parliamentarians.
If terrorist Breivik would not have seen so horribly “Protestant”about the pope, one suspects, Borghezio might have called Breivik’s mass killing of Social Democratic children, after all nothing but “cultural Marxist” traitors to White Europe in the twisted Rightist world view of both Breivik and Borghezio, “excellent” as well.
UKIP's more dishonest members are quite willing to be shackled to the likes of these scum for money - To quote a much over used phrase from Nigel Farage 'You couldn't put a cigarette paper between them'.

Yet we see UKIP's own scum lined up advocating membership of Pan EU Political Parties to assist The EU undermine National Political Parties and forward The EU agenda of centralisation and governance by unelected bureaucrats and apparatchiks - Aware that the leadership of UKIP could be bought with bribes one starts to realise it has been - just think of The EFD and the utterly corrupt betrayal of UKIP by the vile rump of UKIP leadership and its parasites that can seek to justify their sordid behaviour - seemingly in return for their comfort zone on the EU Gravy Train.
. .

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