Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Is the EFD big enough for two messiahs? Including UKIP's Nigel FARAGE!

Is the EFD big enough for two messiahs? Including UKIP's Nigel FARAGE!


UKIP: Is the EFD big enough for two messiahs?

Contrarianism is basically a negative approach to life, and one often associated with the ill-informed and the disenfranchised. Contrarians often also tend towards conspiracy theories in their vain attempts to fill the gaps in their knowledge and understanding of the world that revolves around, but seemingly without, them.
Magdi  Allam is a contrarian, but he falls into a different category. His contrarianism is actually similar to that displayed most often by the loony-left, a loathing of one's own identity. It's where the SWP came from, and it explains why middle class white kids sport dreadlocks and deface war memorials.
Allam is an Egyptian Muslim, who turned against his own culture in 2008 when he converted to Catholicism. He now majors on calling for a ban on building mosques, and expresses strong support for Israel. He claims that he has been targeted by Hamas since 2003.
The Catholic church in Spain has questioned his conversion, and there have been strong concerns raised about some of the 'extremist' nature of some of his comments, whilst some have raised suspicions that his conversion was more to do with his political ambitions.
When he converted, Allam, who is now an Italian MEP, adopted the name Cristiano. Perhaps he has Messianic ambitions? Well, if so he is in good company, because he has just joined Nigel Farage's EFD group in the European Parliament.
Conspiracy theories, instinctive contrarianism, and anti-Islamism - Allam is in the right place. But is the EFD big enough for two messiahs?
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Friday, 23 December 2011

UKIP Allies Support Racist Murders

UKIP Allies Support Racist Murders


a sad reflec tion on the ethics of UKIP is further confirmed by this posting on the corrupt and dishonest UKIP controlled forum of Anthony Butcher posted yesterday:

Ukip allies: Double murder in florence was"good"

Now this is enlightening. Following the murder of two Senegalese immigrants in Florence on December 13th, Lega Nord activist Eros Domenico has admitted to being pleased with the shooting in which 3 further immigrants were wounded: “that’s good, we’ll have two mouths less to feed” he is reported as saying in the Italian journal L'Espresso.

Eccola qui, la vera Lega - l’Espresso

Another charming lady goes further. Giovanna, a “housewife, wife and mother”, proposed a final solution for the immigrants’ sons too:”a flame thrower, let’s burn those shits”.

Nice friends you have in Brussels, Nigel!
To view the original posting CLICK HERE
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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

UKIP: Notorious extremist joins EFD group

UKIP: Notorious extremist joins EFD group

Frank Vanhecke, former Chairman of the Vlaams Blok, and banned racist party, and subsequently Chair of its successor, Vlaams Belang, has joined Nigel Farage's EFD group in the European Parliament.
Vanhecke is notorious for wrongly naming a number of ethnic minority youths in connection with the vandalism graves in Tereken. In fact the perpetrators were indigenous Flemings like himself.  As a result, he was stripped of his parliamentary immunity.
In 2007, he was arrested in Belgium for assaulting a bus driver.
The Stephen Roth Institute had this to say about Vlaams Blok: "The Vlaams Blok of Flanders has become one of the strongest extreme right parties in Europe. The most serious anti-Semitic incident in 1997 was the attempt to set fire to the Anderlecht synagogue in Brussels."
Our photo shows Vanhecke alongside Bruno Grolnisch and Jean Marie LePen, both of the French National Front.
Nice company you keep, Nigel!
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Did Farage sell out putting EFD before principles & UKIP over mass-murder

Did Farage sell out  putting EFD before principles & UKIP over mass-murder & sympathiser Mario Borghezio?

by: Reg Anthony 16-Nov-2011
Barboo has written very eloquently on here about the way Nigel Farage has handled the outrage over the remarks about the Breivik atrocities by the Northern League's Mario Borghezio and Francesco Speroni. According to a report in the Italian media (Lettera 42) (link here: Euroscettici inglesi contro Borghezio - ATTUALITA ) matters were supposed to come to a head during the week of 24-27 October. 
Here is a translation of the report:

British Eurosceptics against Borghezio

Call for Northern League’s expulsion from the European Group EFD.

Inside or outside. The fate of the Northern League MEP from Piedmont, Mario Borghezio; by the end of October, the party must decide what to do.

Keep him in or put him out of the EFD Group, Europe of Freedom and Democracy? Clamouring for his head are the British eurosceptic UKIP, prime force of the group, tired of the 'performance' of Borghezio and, more particularly, much annoyed by his statements on the killer of Oslo, Breivik, which had also provoked his suspension from the Northern League. For those words Borghezio has been suspended by the League and also, on September 13 last, the EFD, but a yellow card is not enough, they want him to be expelled.

"UKIP", reads a letter sent to their Italian colleagues, “calls on the Northern League to ask Borghezio to leave the EFD Group and go non-attached before the end of the legislature."

The decision will be made during the plenary session of October 24 to 27. "The UKIP delegation UKIP," said its leader Nigel Farage, is "very, very unhappy about Borghezio."

The letter cited the MEP’s interests in "UFOs and the Bilderberg Group" and his act of "burning the clothes of immigrant children." But the straw that broke UKIP was "his comments and his timing about the Norwegian murderer Breivik" that "exceeded all bounds." Borghezio is accused of damaging the "reputation of other members of the group" with words that "will be used" against them "in the European elections of 2014."

Now the ball is in the Northern League’s court, because Borghezio has no intention of taking a step back. "Just think, if I resign," he says by phone from the U.S. "I had a vote of 50 000 Padanians to represent the people proudly in Europe." For him the case was closed with an apology to the Norwegian ambassador in Italy, but not for the British, while the Leaguist Francesco Speroni, EFD co-leader, tries to pour water on the fire. "It is not yet closed, but neither is it said that you get to the most extreme solution." That is, the expulsion of Borghezio.

According to statute, this (expulsion of a member) is decided by the affirmative vote of two thirds of the members. Speroni’s impression is that “from rumours, I do not think that there are the numbers, but if they all agree, the League will not have enough to save it (8 out of 27, Borghezio not voting - ed)."

Saving Borghezio means not to continue living with British colleagues. "If they insist," Speroni affirms constantly, “the group ends; it goes if just four jump from the EFD." In short, a delicate situation that, as UKIP asks, must be decided by the League. "But this would be a decision to be taken higher than me," admits Speroni, meaning the League’s party headquarters in Milan’s Via Bellerio.

So, it appears quite clearly from this report that Farage was to have been presented with a straight choice on the week of 24-27 October - Borghezio's expulsion or the EFD's survival. Principles or presidential position. His co-president, Mad Frankie Speroni, was telling him bluntly that he couldn't have both. Three weeks later, a look at the European Parliament's website shows that the EFD still exists and that Lega Nord MEPs, including Borghezio, are still being listed as part of it.

Farage and the rest of the UKIP MEPs appear to have kept very quiet about all of this, which is remarkable, because if the above report is accurate (and, as Speroni is quoted at length in it, there is plenty of evidence that it is), then the much-debated EFD faced nothing short of an existential crisis and, moreover, Farage was on the face of it making a great point of principle over Borghezio's future in the group. But since the whole furore over Borghezio and Speroni's comments first erupted, we have seen several examples of Farage huffing and puffing about it, only to do very little, if anything at all, when it comes to the crunch. Mad Frankie Speroni's own comments, for example, were initially condemned, alongside demands for apologies and retractions, and then quickly and entirely forgotten.

Another pattern one can glean is that Farage has been quite sly about making threats that are either unrealistic or else are not what they initially seem. For example, his initial threat was that UKIP MEPs would suspend their membership of the EFD if no apologies and retractions were forthcoming from Speroni and Borghezio. But that was never going to happen, a) because examination of the EFD Group's statutes show that there is no mechanism for voluntary suspension of membership and b) because, of course, if UKIP MEPs had nonetheless left the group, however temporarily, the EFD's membership would have dropped way below the required minimum and it would have collapsed immediately.

Now one might possibly detect another "all is not what it seems moment". The clue is in Farage's most peculiar demand that the Lega Nord asks Borghezio "to leave the EFD Group and go non-attached before the end of the legislature." That gives the League until June 2014! 
If that is correct, they are Farage's most weasel words yet on the shabby affair. Perhaps Speroni has quietly promised that Borghezio will leave the EFD quietly near the end of parliament, when it will not greatly matter, and Farage has in return promised to drop the whole issue, content in the knowledge that he can whip out the above mentioned letter at any moment, should any more inconvenient publicity arise.

In any event, one thing is clear - Borghezio is still in the EFD Group. So just what did happen on 24-27 October, or at any other time subsequent to the above media report? We should be told.
And to further quote the same author one notes his article of the 22-Nov-2011:

SCANDAL! - Farage caves in for the sake of his presidential position

Well, we now have the answer to the question. Sadly, the answer is YES - Farage DID put the survival of the EFD ahead of principle.

From the Italian media: Ue: Borghezio reintegrato in gruppo Parlamento Ue - La voce degli Eurodeputati - ANSA Europa - ANSA.it



EFD had suspended sentence after the Oslo massacre

BRUSSELS – A three-month ban discounted, Mario Borghezio is officially reinstated in the EFD Group, Europe of Freedom and Democracy. The penalty was taken in the summer for the statements of the Piedmont MEP about the instigator of the Oslo massacre, Anders Breivik. Borghezio said he considered his ideas “good” and “shared” them, but then, also considering the controversy, apologised to the Norwegian Ambassador to Italy. For those expressions, Borghezio was suspended by the league and then, in parallel, from the Northern League team in Europe.

On 13 September the British eurosceptic UKIP, the largest party of the EFD, had also sent an ultimatum to League colleagues asking openly for Borghezio’s resignation from the group. 'His presence was considered “too high a price to pay'' and a weapon that the British press could use against UKIP “in the 2014 European elections''. But the threats were revoked this week, because the resignation or expulsion of Borghezio would put at risk the survival of the group, just two deputies over the minimum threshold of 25 members.

As I said in opening this thread, Farage had a straight choice - "Borghezio's expulsion or the EFD's survival. Principles or presidential position". He has taken the selfish and cowardly options. His various outpourings of fake disgust and feigned outrage at Borghezio's statements have proved to be not worth the paper they were written on. He has managed to be spectacularly stupid, too, because, having long brushed off or denied allegations that he was sitting with extremists in the EFD Group, he has committed to paper an admission of previous acts by Borghezio, such as setting fire to the clothes of immigrant children, and yet he has signalled that despite such criminal and extremist acts he is still prepared to sit in the same group as Borghezio, indeed to be president of that group.

The other damning point to emerge from Farage's weasel-worded letter to Speroni is this - Farage has admitted in writing that he recognises that Borghezio's continued presence in the EFD could be used by the press against UKIP in 2014, and yet ultimately he is not prepared to do anything about it. Ultimately, he is even prepared to knowingly imperil the party's election prospects if they come between him and his precious group of extremists and pro-Europeans. The message is that Farage values his position as EFD President above his responsibilities as UKIP leader.

In cowardly fashion, Farage threw the ball into the Lega Nord's court, surely knowing that two Padanian fingers would be the only response. But the power to do something remains in Farage's own hands. In the immediate aftermath of Borghezio and Speroni's foul remarks about the Norwegian atrocities, he was quite unequivocal about both Lega Nord MEPs. "I have written to the leadership of the Northern League party to demand an immediate full retraction and apology", said Farage on the UKIP website. "If my request is not met, then we will suspend our membership of the EFD group." Four months later, there has been no full retraction from either Borghezio or Speroni, but both of them remain in the EFD Group, UKIP MEPs remain in the EFD Group, and Mad Frankie Speroni even continues to be EFD Co-President alongside Farage. Indeed, Speroni's part in this scandal was forgotten by Farage within days and all attention, such as it was, was focussed on Borghezio. As soon as it became clear that Farage's call for "immediate" retractions was just bluster, Speroni was able to laugh in the face of any further idle threats that followed from his co-president over the ensuing months.

As the EU descends into chaos and imposes its unelected "prime ministers" on previously democratic member states in ever more desperate attempts to avert the crisis, and while Cameron, Clegg and Miliband gaze on cluelessly, the people of Britain are crying out for real leaders. Real tests of leadership are not about who can fire easy shots on YouTube. The Borghezio-Speroni Scandal was a true test of moral and political leadership and Farage comprehensively bottled it. It called for a man, and Farage has shown he is a mouse.
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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

In What Way Does EFD membership Pay UKIP?

 In What Way Does EFD membership Pay UKIP?

Well I guess the extra expenses scams con enrich the leadership!

Berlusconi Feels The Heat (Again)

As we mentioned in our previous post, yesterday Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had to face some serious pressure from Merkel and Sarkozy. In a desperate attempt to save face, Berlusconi has just released a communiqué claiming that "no one in the EU...can lecture his partners". However, it's no secret that his French and German counterparts literally gave him three days to come up with a concrete set of reforms to enhance growth - to present at Wednesday's EU summit.

Il Cavaliere had a particularly bad EU summit yesterday, but once back in Rome, it got even worse as Berlusconi was forced to call an emergency cabinet meeting for this evening and announced a plan to raise retirement age by two years, to 67. This idea drew an immediate rebuke from junior coalition partner Lega Nord, which claims it has already made important concessions, on issues such as private sector female workers' pensions, to save Berlusconi's skin.

So, for the umpteenth time, will this be the end for Silvio? Lega Nord Senator Rosi Mauro said this morning that her party was ready to "take to the streets", should the Italian government decide to push ahead with its pensions reform plan. But most importantly, the emergency cabinet meeting (initially scheduled for 5 pm London time) has kicked off more than one hour later, because Berlusconi was stuck in a meeting with Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti and Lega Nord leader Umberto Bossi (see picture). At that meeting, the latter reportedly threatened to walk out of government, should Berlusconi not drop his plan to increase the retirement age.

In most democratic countries, this would be a pretty hopeless situation for a coalition government. However, as has been made clear time and again (see here and here), the Italian Prime Minister is a man full of surprises. And in fact, two opposition parties have already hinted that they could support the proposed pensions reform (although one of the parties has made clear that Berlusconi would have to resign one minute after the reform is passed)...

P.S.: Meanwhile, Le Monde reports that, behind closed doors, eurozone officials are studying the possibility to activate the eurozone's bailout fund, the EFSF, to take over from the ECB the responsibility of purchasing Italian bonds. The Commission has already denied the reports, meaning that they might well be true...
To view the original of this article CLICK HERE
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Wednesday, 14 September 2011

UKIP Conference & Its True Calliber!
Displayed in all its failed values & Grubby Greed!!


do excuse me for having failed to post for a few days but knowing The EFD (Friday) & UKIP (Saturday) Party Conference were on and well aware it would just be a repeat of the sound bites of such events in UKIP I felt it to be an appropriate time to spend a few days away (which we never announce in advance ;-) 

On return today I note from the many reports that the event almost totally lived down to prediction with the only real highlight being the number of people observed congratulating Nikki Sinclaire MEP, now an Independent who alone (with her team) and a little help from Mike Nattrass MEP & Trevor Colman MEP now that they have disassociated themselves from the vile extremism of The Pan EU Political EFD Group, she has achieved far more towards raising serious awareness and having delivered a petition of over 100,000 signatures at Drowning Street, in Petition towards an In/Out Referendum to Leave-The-EU has out performed the Plastic EUroSceptics and Judas Goats so prevalent in The Tories and amongst EUkip leadertship.

Itt is clear they have very little desire to Leave-The-EU as their income streams & bribes would cease and pension funds would collapse having been dishonestly gained.

It was almost amusing to watch the true supporters wishing to Leave-The-EU making every effort to curry favour with her and making every effort to welcome her and seek to convince her to return and those who felt their incomes and positions challenged doing all they could to avoid her - Farage included, even the stupid woman who in her ill mannered ignorance felt it incumbent on her to berate Sinclaire for her efforts - amusingly no one knew who the foolish woman was! Well she must have done a lot for UKIP and the cause of leaving the EU!

Nikki Sinclaire's Petition as a concrete action to Leave-The-EU speaks so much more clearly than all of EUkip's fluffy words and efforts to ReForm The EU, with their various extremist partners over the years.

Sadly there was absolutely nothing else of worth or merit to report from a very lack luster conference with around 400 in attendance and many of the same soundbites of recent previous years, the same calliber of low lifes and self serving scoundrels making the same noises to great adulation from a handfull of gullible followers mostly hoping for preferment or at very least crumbs from the table in some cases like Mick McGough and the like in return for their lies and willingness to show themselves for the unpleasant and dishonest people they most clearly are, like maggots and flies on a dung heap with their strutting poppinjay crowing from on top.

Anti-immigration ally of Silvio Berlusconi says 

Breivik had 'some excellent ideas'

By Nick Pisa

Last updated at 2:47 PM on 27th July 2011

A coalition ally of Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has provoked outrage after he praised the rantings of Norwegian right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik.
Mario Borghezio, an MEP with the anti-immigration Northern League party, who have campaigned against Muslims and the building of mosques, said Breivik had some 'excellent' ideas.
Speaking on an Italian radio show he said he agreed with the maniac's 'opposition to Islam and his explicit accusation that Europe has surrendered before putting up a fight against its Islamisation.'
Mario Borghezio
Norway's twin terror attacks suspect Anders Behring Breivik
'Excellent' ideas: Mario Borghezio, an Italian MEP for the anti-immigration Northern League party, left, said he agreed with terrorist mass-murderer Anders Breivik, right, on his views about Muslim immigrants and Islam in Europe

Though Borghezio added that he did not however agree with the use of extreme violence, or Breivik's anti-Papal views, his comments immediately unleashed a storm of fury with his own party apologising to still grieving Norway.
Northern League chief Roberto Calderoli said: 'His comments are terrible and completely unqualified and we can only apologise to the families of the victims for the delirium of what he said.'

The Northern League is a key ally of Berlusconi's ruling right-wing coalition and, although the prime minister did not comment personally, members of his party also rounded on Mr Borghezio.
Carlo Giovanardi, an MP for the Christian Democratic Party, said: 'Is it too much to ask for our Northern League friends to throw Borghezio out of their party?
'We have vain hopes he will resign for what he said but that is unlikely to happen.'
Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini also stepped into the row over Borghezio's comments and said: 'He should offer Norway his personal apologies.
'We as a government cannot intervene directly with an MEP - but we have made it very clear that the best course of action would be for him to make a personal apology.
'His own party has disassociated themselves from him and that is a very important sign - he must feel the duty to say himself that he is sorry for what he said.
'Any message of racism, xenophobia and exclusion or which leads to an incitement of violence or an emulation of violence must be condemned.'
Horror: This picture shows Breivik stalking Utoya island, surrounded by the bodies of his young victims, with one in the water pleading for his life
Horror: This picture shows Breivik stalking Utoya island, surrounded by the bodies of his young victims, with one in the water pleading for his life

Terror: Debris is seen on the street after the car bomb planted by Breivik detonated outside a government building in Oslo
Terror: Debris is seen on the street after the car bomb planted by Breivik detonated outside a government building in Oslo

Today internet forums were ablaze with furious comments against Borghezio with one popular post saying that he 'needs to be locked up in a mental asylum and have the key thrown away.'
But there were some comments in his favour with some saying he was 'speaking the truth' and calling on the Northern League to 'support him instead of attack him'.
A new headache: Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is still reeling from national debt problems and a string of high profile scandals
A new headache: Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is still reeling from national debt problems and a string of high profile scandals

Borghezio himself was unrepentant and added: 'I said what I said because I have the impression this massacre has a purpose, I don't think this lunatic meant his act to have this outcome.
'What we should ask ourselves is how can someone who was supposed to have been on a watch list been allowed to go around and do what he did?
'Christians should not be sacrificial animals - they should be defended.'
Borghezio has a long history of anti-immigration campaigning - in 2005 he was found guilty of arson, after setting fire to pallets of some migrants sleeping under a bridge in Turin during a vigilante raid.
The centre-left opposition called for Borghezio to resign from the European Parliament.
David Sassoli, an MEP with Italy's Democratic Left opposition, said: 'It is a matter of shame for all of us that a representative of the ruling coalition made apologetic remarks about one of the cruelest acts of terrorism.'
To view the original article CLICK HERE


UKIP supporters and those genuinely anti EU membership are clearly far from happy with the attrocious behaviour of Nigel Farage and his claque in his extremist EFD Group and when one then finds these self same scum of EU Politics turning up as guest speakers at UKIP events and are minded that The EFD members represent each other on EU Committees it is clear that with Farage and his leadership claque UKIP has no meaningful future acting on behalf of informed British people.

UKIP would seem to be determined to move itself from being a possible part of the solution to being a very clear part of the problem.

No one could reasonably say that Nigel Farage is other than a good performer and Liga one of the prostitutes with whom he was well publicised cavorting, as with Annabelle they have been both explicit and graphic in describing him as a good performer.

However I have never heard anyone with one wit of judgement, that could be respected, describe him as having any of the OQ (Officer Qualities) essential for a leader. He is an attrocious judge of character and it seems a worse strategic or tactical planner with no vision for the future much beyond his various scams, bank accounts and zip!

Yet again we have further provenance of his lack of integrity, self serving dishonesty and undeniable corruption - that is not for a moment to gain say he is UKIP's greatest asset - sadly that is more a reflection on the low calliber of those he has gathered around him than of his abilities - a good sound bite man, a well rehearsed speaker and his scripts are well performed.

Sadly it is undeniable that he is both untrustworthy and untrusted as shown in the exchanges below from the UKIP controlled Forum managed by the weak, dishonest and venal Anthony Butcher in default of the political career he so aspired to!



Quote Originally Posted by Tom Wilde View Post
the Northern League and UKIP are the two largest parties in EFD, each with 9 MEPs in the group out of a group total of 27 MEPs. And the leader of the Northern League MEPs - and co-president of EFD - is Francesco Speroni, who is one of the two MEPs to have made these astonishing remarks supportive of Norway's worst ever mass murderer. So when Farage quite rightly demands a retraction and apology for the remarks, or else UKIP will suspend its EFD membership, he may well be signalling the end of the EFD group.
Such faith, Tom!

Compare your last sentence quoted above with what is actually happening. It took just 24 hours for the back-tracking to start!


Speroni was directly quoted by the Guardian, saying:
"Breivik's ideas are in defence of western civilisation", and "I'm with Borghezio. I don't think he should resign. If [Breivik's] ideas are that we are going towards Eurabia and those sorts of things, that western Christian civilisation needs to be defended, yes, I'm in agreement".
In a statement on 28 July, UKIP said Nigel Farage had contacted Speroni, his EFD co-president,
"to demand an immediate retraction and apology following his remarks and those of his fellow Northern League MEP Mario Borghezio . . . . If no retraction is forthcoming then UKIP will suspend its membership of the EFD group in which it sits alongside the Italian political party".
On 29 July, UKIP's follow up statement said Speroni had written to Farage saying that he condemns the massacre and the extreme fundamentalism in question - an addition to his earlier remarks.

Has Speroni withdrawn the statements he made in support of Borghezio?

No, he has not.

Has Speroni retracted his agreement with Breivik's ideas?

No, he has not.

Has Speroni apologised?

No, he has not.

Has Nigel Farage suspended UKIP MEPs' membership of the EFD as he said he would?

Apparently not. It seems Borghezio has been suspended by his party and UKIP says it is satisfied that this
"will send a clear message that they, and we will not have any truck with such disgraceful sentiments now or in the future".
Farage is convening the EFD next week to suspend Borghezio from the group.

So that's it. The book thrown at Borghezio; Speroni quietly forgotten. UKIP can trumpet that Farage has taken "prompt action", and the EFD can survive with the temporary loss of one Italian.

Note that Farage's demands for "an immediate retraction and apology" from Speroni are for home consumption only. The EFD's website doesn't mention them, or the threat to suspend UKIP MEPs' membership of the group.



Quote Originally Posted by Revontulet View Post
Maybe he wasn't trying to satisfy Guardian readers in particular, but to satisfy anyone who thinks that the comments made by Mr Borghezio were vile, which is hopefully the vast majority of people all over the world.
An interesting aspect of this is that one of those who has condemned Borghezio's comments, calling them "terrible, unspeakable remarks", is the Lega Nord MP and cabinet minister Roberto Calderoli, the man indirectly responsible for UKIP MEPs and their allies expelling the Lega Nord from their previous Independence & Democracy group.

Calderoli was not even an MEP, yet in 2006 his party was expelled from the Ind/Dem following his provocative comments and TV appearance wearing a T-shirt bearing a copy of one of the Danish Muslim cartoons.

There has been no talk of expelling Speroni and Borghezio, whose comments have caused the current outrage; only of UKIP MEPs 'suspending' their EFD membership.

And it looks like Farage is welching on even that!

He gave Speroni an ultimatum - make an immediate full retraction and apologise, or we suspend our membership of the group.

Speroni has done neither. He's stuck two metaphorical fingers up at UKIP's leader and Farage has backed down, talking now of convening the EFD Bureau to suspend Borghezio instead.

He wouldn't need to run to the Bureau for consent if he'd kept his word and suspended UKIP's membership. He could have done that all by himself!


Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Lotsov View Post
Well that is not so good. What are they doing in the EFD? I didn't think the Lisbon Treaty had anything to do with either freedom or democracy. In my view that would be far more offensive than something someone said in front of a load of emotional halfwits.
Why shouldn't they be in it? You didn't think the EFD was anti-EU did you?
Out of their own mouths, Baron . . . . .

Outcome of the referendum in Ireland (debate) 7 October 2009

Fiorello Provera (EFD )

The Lega Nord , the party I represent, voted for the Treaty in the Italian Parliament and I personally was the rapporteur.
(Note: Signor Provera is the EFD member Sharon Ellul Bonici was hoping to sign up for Godfrey Bloom's new PEPP)


Presentation of the work programme of the Swedish Presidency (debate) 15 July 2009
Francesco Enrico Speroni, on behalf of the EFD Group.
We must overcome the crisis of confidence that undoubtedly exists. The poor turnout at the elections of this Parliament is a symptom of this, and to overcome it, we must act fully in accordance with the will of our electorate. We must also perhaps avoid making comparisons: your country borders Norway; I live near Switzerland. They are outside the European Union, but they live well all the same; they have the same problems, but they are no worse off than us, and here it is important to see and to demonstrate that it is worth having the European Union.

Multi-annual programme 2010-2014 regarding the area of freedom, security and justice (Stockholm Programme) (debate) 24 November 2009

Mario Borghezio, on behalf of the EFD Group

We need to create a single European legal system if we want to combat, at European level, crime that has become international and moves easily between banks, tax havens, financial markets and movable and fixed assets markets.


Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Lotsov View Post
Farage is a bleedin idiot.
First to come across as Mr Big . . . . and now with bluff called Farage looks like the priick many suspect he has always been.

At the end of July, following the mass murder of young Norwegians by Anders Behring Breivik, UKIP issued two statements regarding comments made by their MEPs' EFD colleagues Mario Borghezio and Francesco Speroni.

On 28 July, UKIP wrote: "Nigel Farage said: 
"Nigel Farage said: "I have written to the leadership of the Northern League party to demand an immediate full retraction and apology. If my request is not met, then we will suspend our membership of the EFD group".
A clear and unequivocal undertaking.

On 29 July, following Speroni's reply, UKIP wrote:
"Mr Farage is convening the governing Bureau of the EFD Group in the European Parliament next week in order to suspend Mr Borghezio from his membership of the group".
Another clear and unequivocal undertaking, yet if Borghezio had retracted and apologised as Farage demanded, why was he to be suspended? And if he had not retracted and apologised, Farage (having suspended UKIP MEPs from the group as stated on July 28), would not then be in a position to convene the Bureau and suspend Borghezio.

So where is the retraction and apology, and on what date and with what outcome was the Bureau convened?

Because despite UKIP's statements and Nigel Farage's assurance, UKIP MEPs are still sitting and voting in the European parliament with their EFD colleagues Speroni and Borghezio. 
See Roll-call votes, Busuttil Report, 13.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/...EN&language=EN


(Against) EFD: (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Agnew, Andreasen, Batten, Bizzotto, Borghezio, Bufton, Clark, Farage, Fontana, Provera, Rossi, Salvini, Scotta, Speroni, de Villiers
Huffing and puffing empty promises to shut critics up at home; treated with contempt by MEPs he 'presides' over in Brussels; and all the time, out of sight of UKIP members, European parliament business as usual.

How utterly despicable!

Do not forget that if you want more details on EFD Group members they are available in the Right SideBar if you CLICK HERE

ALWAYS CHECK the right sidebar for details on people and events first.
. .

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Tuesday, 2 August 2011



It took just 24 hours for the back-tracking to start!


Speroni was directly quoted by the Guardian, saying: "Breivik's ideas are in defence of western civilisation", and "I'm with Borghezio. I don't think he should resign. If [Breivik's] ideas are that we are going towards Eurabia and those sorts of things, that western Christian civilisation needs to be defended, yes, I'm in agreement".

In a statement on 28 July, UKIP said Nigel Farage had contacted Speroni, his EFD co-president, "to demand an immediate retraction and apology following his remarks and those of his fellow Northern League MEP Mario Borghezio . . . . If no retraction is forthcoming then UKIP will suspend its membership of the EFD group in which it sits alongside the Italian political party".

On 29 July, UKIP's follow up statement said Speroni had written to Farage saying that he condemns the massacre and the extreme fundamentalism in question - an addition to his earlier remarks.

Has Speroni withdrawn the statements he made in support of Borghezio?

No, he has not.

Has Speroni retracted his agreement with Breivik's ideas?

No, he has not.

Has Speroni apologised?

No, he has not.

Has Nigel Farage suspended UKIP MEPs' membership of the EFD as he said he would?

Apparently not. It seems Borghezio has been suspended by his party and UKIP says it is satisfied that this "will send a clear message that they, and we will not have any truck with such disgraceful sentiments now or in the future". Farage is convening the EFD next week to suspend Borghezio from the group.

So that's it. The book thrown at Borghezio; Speroni quietly forgotten. UKIP can trumpet that Farage has taken "prompt action", and the EFD can survive with the temporary loss of one Italian.

Note that Farage's demands for "an immediate retraction and apology" from Speroni are for home consumption only. The EFD's website doesn't mention them, or the threat to suspend UKIP MEPs' membership of the group.

An interesting aspect of this is that one of those who has condemned Borghezio's comments, calling them "terrible, unspeakable remarks", is the Lega Nord MP and cabinet minister Roberto Calderoli, the man indirectly responsible for UKIP MEPs and their allies expelling the Lega Nord from their previous Independence & Democracy group.

Calderoli was not even an MEP, yet in 2006 his party was expelled from the Ind/Dem following his provocative comments and TV appearance wearing a T-shirt bearing a copy of one of the Danish Muslim cartoons.

There has been no talk of expelling Speroni and Borghezio, whose comments have caused the current outrage; only of UKIP MEPs 'suspending' their EFD membership.

And it looks like Farage is welching on even that!

He gave Speroni an ultimatum - make an immediate full retraction and apologise, or we suspend our membership of the group.

Speroni has done neither. He's stuck two metaphorical fingers up at UKIP's leader and Farage has backed down, talking now of convening the EFD Bureau to suspend Borghezio instead.

He wouldn't need to run to the Bureau for consent if he'd kept his word and suspended UKIP's membership. He could have done that all by himself!
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The EFD Speaks for & Represents UKIP

The EFD Speaks for & Represents UKIP

Outcome of the referendum in Ireland (debate) 7 October 2009

Fiorello Provera (EFD )
The Lega Nord , the party I represent, voted for the Treaty in the Italian Parliament and I personally was the rapporteur.

(Note: Signor Provera is the EFD member Sharon Ellul Bonici was hoping to sign up for Godfrey Bloom's new PEPP)


Presentation of the work programme of the Swedish Presidency (debate) 15 July 2009

Francesco Enrico Speroni, on behalf of the EFD Group.

We must overcome the crisis of confidence that undoubtedly exists. The poor turnout at the elections of this Parliament is a symptom of this, and to overcome it, we must act fully in accordance with the will of our electorate. We must also perhaps avoid making comparisons: your country borders Norway; I live near Switzerland. They are outside the European Union, but they live well all the same; they have the same problems, but they are no worse off than us, and here it is important to see and to demonstrate that it is worth having the European Union.


Multi-annual programme 2010-2014 regarding the area of freedom, security and justice (Stockholm Programme) (debate) 24 November 2009

Mario Borghezio, on behalf of the EFD Group

We need to create a single European legal system if we want to combat, at European level, crime that has become international and moves easily between banks, tax havens, financial markets and movable and fixed assets markets.

My thanks to Barbara Booker for highlighting these few examles of the manner in which The EFD represents UKIP and these United Kingdoms.
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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