Monday, 1 November 2010

UKIP: More on Farage's fascist friends in the EFD

UKIP: More on Farage's fascist friends in the EFD

Further evidence has emerged of collusion between far-right racist elements and UKIP's EFD group in the European Parliament.

The involvement of the BNP in the EFD's Turkish Assesment Group has raised eyebrows in the UK and Brussels, but now we can see an even clearer picture emerging.

Vlaams Belang, the Slovak National Party, and the Austrian Freedom Party have all been involved in a 2 day conference to discuss Turkish accession to the EU. Also present were the delightfully named convicted racist and fan of Nazi marching songs Morten Messerschmidt (often referred to by Farage as "Harry Heinkel") and Fiorello Provera of Lega Nord, the particularly vile racist party whose members espouse the idea of racial segregation on public transport. Both are members of Farage's EFD group.

Nice company you keep, Nigel. Our country fought a war against this scum just 70 years ago.


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